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    You want to keep your home and family safe, but you don’t know where to start.

    Burglaries happen every day, and they can be incredibly traumatic experiences. Not only do you have to deal with the loss of your possessions, but you also have to worry about your safety and the safety of your loved ones.

    King Locksmith & Doors Gaithersburg MD can help. We offer a wide range of security solutions that will make your home more secure. From installing new locks to adding security cameras, we can help you make your home safe from burglars and other criminals.


    12 Ways to Make Your Home More Secure


    1. Install Deadbolts on All Exterior Doors

    One of the best ways to deter burglars is to make it more difficult for them to break into your home. Installing deadbolts on all of your exterior doors is a great way to do this. Deadbolts are much more difficult to pick than traditional locks, and they can also help to prevent door kick-ins.


    2. Keep Your Garage Door Closed and Locked

    Your garage door is one of the most vulnerable points of entry for burglars. If you have an attached garage, be sure to keep the door closed and locked at all times. You should also consider installing a security system that will notify you if someone tries to open the door.


    3. Keep Your Windows Locked

    Burglars often enter homes through unlocked windows. Make sure that all of your windows are locked, even if you’re just going to be gone for a few minutes. You should also consider installing window bars or security film to make it more difficult for burglars to break in.


    4. Install Outdoor Lighting

    Burglars prefer to break into homes at night when it’s dark and they can’t be seen. Installing outdoor lighting is a great way to deter them. Be sure to install lights around all of your doors and windows, and consider placing lights on a timer so that they turn on and off at random times.


    5. Get a Dog

    Dogs can be great deterrents for burglars. Even small dogs can make a lot of noise and attract attention if someone tries to break into your home. If you’re not able to get a dog, consider placing signs in your yard that warn of a barking dog inside.


    6. Don’t Hide Spare Keys

    Hiding spare keys is one of the worst things you can do for your home security. Burglars know all of the usual hiding spots, so they’ll have no trouble finding your key if you hide it under a doormat or in a flowerpot. If you must hide a key, give it to a trusted neighbor or friend instead.


    7. Keep Your Valuables Out of Sight

    If burglars can see your valuable possessions through your windows, they’re more likely to target your home. Keep valuables out of sight by closing your curtains or blinds at night. You should also keep them in a safe or locked cabinet when you’re not using them.


    8. Don’t Post Your Travel Plans on Social Media

    If you’re going on vacation, don’t post your travel plans on social media. Burglars can use this information to target your home while you’re away. If you must post about your trip, wait until after you’ve returned home to do so.


    9. Invest in a Home Security System

    A home security system is one of the best ways to deter burglars. Many burglars will avoid homes that have security systems, and some systems even offer the option to notify the police if an intruder is detected.


    10. Get to Know Your Neighbors

    Neighbors can be a great asset when it comes to home security. They can keep an eye on your home while you’re away, and they may even be able to provide helpful information to the police if a crime does occur. Get to know your neighbors and let them know if you’ll be gone for an extended period of time.


    11. Keep Your Yard Clean

    A messy yard can be a sign that no one is home, which can make your home a target for burglars. Keep your yard clean and well-maintained to make it less likely that burglars will target your home.


    12. Be Smart About Home Security

    The best way to deter burglars is to be smart about home security. Follow the tips above and stay alert to what’s going on in your neighborhood. If you see anything suspicious, don’t hesitate to call the police.


    FAQs About Ways to Make Your Home More Secure


    How can I make my home more secure without spending a lot of money?

    There are a number of ways to make your home more secure without spending a lot of money. One way is to install motion sensor lights around your home. Motion sensor lights will deter burglars and other intruders because they will know that their movements are being detected.


    I’m going on vacation, what can I do to make sure my home is secure while I’m gone?

    If you’re going on vacation, there are a few things you can do to make sure your home is secure while you’re gone. First, make sure all doors and windows are locked before you leave. You can also ask a neighbor or friend to keep an eye on your house while you’re away.

    Additionally, you can put lights on timers so it appears someone is home even when no one is there. Finally, be sure to cancel any newspaper or mail deliveries so it doesn’t appear that no one is home.


    What are some signs that my home security has been breached?

    There are a few signs that your home security has been breached. First, check to see if any doors or windows are unlocked that should be locked. Additionally, check to see if there are any signs of forced entry, such as broken glass or damaged locks. Finally, if you have a security system, check to see if it has been triggered.


    I think someone is trying to break into my home, what should I do?

    If you think someone is trying to break into your home, the first thing you should do is call the police. Once the police have arrived, they will conduct an investigation and gather evidence. If you have a security system, be sure to give them the footage so they can use it as part of their investigation.


    What are some things I can do to make my home less appealing to burglars?

    There are a few things you can do to make your home less appealing to burglars. One way is to install motion sensor lights around your home. Motion sensor lights will deter burglars and other intruders because they will know that their movements are being detected.

    Another way to make your home less appealing to burglars is to keep your yard clean and well-maintained. This will give the impression that you are home and paying attention to what’s going on around your property.

    Finally, be sure to keep all doors and windows locked when you’re not home. This is one of the most effective ways to deter burglars from targeting your home.


    Are you looking for a way to improve the security of your front door?

    Well, look no further! King Locksmith & Doors can help. We offer a wide range of services to improve the security of your home, including installing new locks and doors.

    Our team is experienced and qualified to handle any job, big or small. We’re here to help you feel safe and secure in your own home. So don’t wait – call us today!


    Dial (240) 345-9357 now to schedule an appointment with King Locksmith & Doors!